

Budget Plans, automatic degree day deliveries, “will call” and one-time delivery services are available. You will receive personalized heating oil delivery service when you call us for your needs. We can help keep your home or business maintain a comfortable environment all year round by supplying you with high-quality heating oil for heating and hot water needs.

Hightstown Fuel Service helps you efficiently operate your farm or nursery equipment with quality off-road diesel fuel. To help keep your tanks full, we deliver from 150 gallons and more with reasonable prices. All fuel oil and diesel fuel is competitively priced to save you money.


If your furnace or boiler isn’t operating properly, Hightstown Fuel Service can help you resolve your problems by recommending “one of the best and well known” oil mechanics in the area, Nick Burrows of Burrows & Son located in Hamilton Square. Nick is well-versed in the field and has over 20 years experience growing up in the business with his mother and father starting their business.

Invest in a detailed burner cleaning now and avoid costly repairs later. Summertime specials are always available. Just make sure you are on Burrows & Son’s mailing list to take advantage of this offer.

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